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Sustainable Fashion
Sustainable Accessories
Natural Jewelry
Ecuadorian Jewelry
Handmade in Ecuador
Ethical Jewelry
Vegetable Ivory
Exotic Jewelry
Vegan Jewelry
Fair Trade Jewelry
Eco-Friendly Jewelry
Unique Jewelry
Tagua Beads
Tagua Necklaces
Conscious Fashion

Affiliate Program

We pay you 3% from the value of purchases made by members that you send to our site. We pay percentage for all orders, including orders of returning customers. Because of high quality of the service and low prices, we have many customers who come back, as well as distributors in different countries. Dont lose the chance, if you have a site or know someone who can buy crafts, please register and grab your affiliate link.

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Sustainable Gifts
Ecuadorian Design
South American Jewelry
Tagua Jewelry
Tagua Earrings
Handcrafted Necklaces
Artisanal Necklaces
Handmade Tagua
Tagua Accessories
Handmade Earrings
Nature-Inspired Jewelry
Sustainable Fashion Accessories
Sustainable Gift Ideas
Fair Trade Fashion Accessories
Ecuadorian Souvenirs
Handmade Jewelry
Handcrafted Jewelry
Eco-Friendly Accessories
Natural Materials
Handmade Keychains
Natural Keychains
Fair Trade
Ethical Earrings
South American Style
Unique Earrings
Fair Trade Earrings
Artisan-Made Jewelry
Eco-Friendly Earrings
Recycled Materials
Responsible Fashion